Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

While my #1 girl crush is not the most popular person in the blogosphere, she has long been an idol of my sister and myself. The thing I love about her is that she is an extremely privileged, attractive person, with plenty of money, talented and famous friends, and access to things I could only dream about - and she isn't fake about it! How many actresses and celebrities today are designing things for stores they would never shop at? Or talking about how they stay skinny by chasing their kids around? Gwynnie is at least honest - she works out two hours a day to look that good! She wears designer clothes! Wouldn't you if you were her?

So, Ms. Paltrow, today I wish you a happy 39th birthday! May your hair be shiny and blond, may your makeup continue to look effortless, and may you enjoy many more hours in your Hamptons yoga studio with Tracy Anderson working to look better than most girls in their 20's! I am going to go do your Detox Cleanse and hope to one day look as fabulous as you!

Style Inspiration: Suri Cruise

From what I understand, Suri has quite the reputation among celebrity kids as being the most fashionable, best-traveled, most spoiled and in my opinion, the cutest. You can just tell that there is a bitchy teenager already living inside that girl, refusing the wear the lame clothes that her mom buys her, being generally embarrassed by her mom, and having that ability to flow in between being a full-fledged, latte drinking adult, and a kid who gets cranky if they have to do anything they don't want to (and demands snacks in that situation).

For me, Suri is a style inspiration.

 First, is her complete refusal to wear pants. I mean the kid literally only has ever been photographed in dresses, a commitment that I am not capable of at 27. She also has an amazing collection of perfect little day dresses.

Second, she has a great eye for getting just the right mix - whether it's mixing high and low, or patterns, or wearing a fur coat with Western-inspired rainboots - she always gets it right!

Finally, her ability to accesorize is where she truly shines - with $1,000 purses, classic trenches, bright, hipsterish sunglasses, jaunty hats and the occasional toy - to remind everyone that she is a truly adorable child - she hits the right mark every time!

From Suri, I am going to go forward this week committed to accessorizing in surprising ways, wearing dresses and skirts, and being paparazzi-ready in my small New England town! If only I could take 20 years off my age - people would be so much more impressed!

In My Next Apartment: The Perfect Bench

I was perusing a House Beautiful slideshow that was over 100 images of bedrooms (yes, just another day procrastinating at work, dreaming about having a new job, far far away from the bedroom I am currently living in at my parent's house), and noticed that almost every master bedroom had one thing in common: a bench at the end of the bed. Now, I have a bit of a reputation in my family for always having piles of things all over the place, and for being the reason my mom started a "shoe basket" by the front door, and having a bench at the foot of my bed has certainly contributed to this, but looking at these photos, I transported myself into my future life, where my bench will at most have a pile of classic novels artfully arranged on it, with maybe a cashmere throw hanging off of a corner.

The thing that I really love about benches is the variety. Whether your bedroom is modern and simple, has a country feel, or is floral and feminine, there is a bench for you! I currently have a bench in my room that has seen better days, and one of my fall "getting ready for my new life" projects is  to  paint the sad, dinged up legs white, and find new fabric to cover the cushion with. I'm aiming for a "sophisticated country" look, but after looking at these options, well who knows what direction the paint store will send me in!